

 'It is all fine' at the tip of her tongue when all she feels inside is numb, to pour so much, that she's left empty if only, someone filled her as deftly, It aches too much to confess this pain for somebody to address, To be the dragonslayer, saving them all the one with the sword too needs healing after all, Put up a smile, light their world's so bright when her has crumbled with all its might, She wishes somebody like her in her life Who listens intently, probes out her strife, Being the one initiating to make amends question of her importance significantly ascends, Yet again, she wishes to run and make things right But, if only they too tried?


"One person to another, my eyes drag Watching them intently,  Am almost a hawk Should do so mildly  Won't let them know, I'm here to gawk  To address the one duly Who's been holding me back  Fuelling my insecurities I'd find him today ask him to stop Catapulting my miseries  Give me peace, let me grow atop How do I find him, the one so vile Who wasted my years Won't stop whispering in my ears I'll revisit again with more enthusiasm Ask him to sit, let's discuss our chasm I lay on the couch eyes adrift The whispers restart, he runs away swift The door is locked, windows shut No one came inside, who whispered but?"


 " A painful squeeze in the chest Stomach recoiling at its fullest Hands quivering in protest  Me searching you in earnest And since the moment our eyes met My serene self is in unrest"


 "What is this feeling bittersweet I believe they call it love amiss Having different forms albeit At first sight, or sometimes taking years to concrete What is that emotion that I felt That made my heart completely melt It wasn't the sight, but his talking that had led My body drowning in an emotional flood, I dread What is this stir that overcame me As he assembled his essentials, leaving me be Dusk swept in, and he continued his journey Leaving me pensive, deep in melancholy Dawn set in, and the world resumed its cacophony My heart clings to the hope, to regain its joyous company The emotions that I am feeling, can't name any It's a cascade of thoughts, a bittersweet symphony"


 "Here starts the countdown One two and three The night before the showdown Active in full swing Nerves await a breakdown Hereby I stand unflinching Know my reality deep down But isn't hope always, the thing?"


 "Flashback to the good times, my brain tread How good was the time once spent Snapping back to the present, I dread Shouldn't it be equally easier for me as well to forget"


  "The night has come to collect its due Intense pain, leaving me achingly blue This charade of smiles is all untrue Isn't my life the perfect 'pretend' Look from the surface, aren't their roses so red Come closer, do you find thorns that made me bled The scars that left my skin green Are hard to find, they're covered with a vibrant sheen Disguising it like a flawless damaskeen Acting all strong with all my might I see a cemetery and people dressed in white And again pretend things aren't as bad as I seem to find"