Turning my head left

Sitting with accomplished people amongst

Has left my fragile hope bereft

Here commences a never ending flip flop of misery

Guilt over things attainable start spiralling

Remorse over undone actions never ending

Then comes "hope", my own white knight

Flaunting my capabilities, showing me my light

Placing before me my ability, giving a brief insight

Knowing that i can do, it's just that i don't do

Once again I'm complacent, how do I undo?

How do I redress, redo this ado?

This discovery is astonishing me

"Hope" was my sword, why is it gently killing me

Making me delusional, intoxicating me

Hope is the phantom, the deceptor cheering me all the time, accompanying me in

The bogeyman living under so many of the beds I'd slept in

The monster in every closet my clothes had been in


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