Second guessing has become like a second nature

And each dusk brings with it a new questionnaire

'what if' today would've been filled with fresh air? 

Leafy trees, bright sunlight bringing anything but despair

'What if' this dawn would end with cheer

Smily faces, excited voices filling my ear

'What if' I could fit in here

Had I dared to defer

The prejudices of my peer

'What if' my resolve would've been more influencer 

And i went for the discipline my heart held dearer

My past 'WHAT IFs' would have been fader

Had I been more defiant, tad bolder

Present 'HOW TOs' would have been rearer 

And future 'IF NOTs' would have been nowhere

'What if' I didn't second guess myself then and there

Things would have been much easier


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